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This new project aims to increase community involvement in the management of green and blue spaces (eg parks, community gardens, woods, footpaths, lakes, rivers) across 7 Community First areas in Neath Port Talbot, Bridgend, Swansea and Newport.

KWT project officers will work closely with Communities First staff and local residents from Neath Town Centre, Neath East, Brackla, Bettws, Penlan, Blaenymaes and Pilgwenlly to identify, and undertake, a range of environmental improvement projects over the next year.

Practical projects will include litter-picks, biodiversity improvements, access work aswell as a series of campaigns to raise awareness of local environmental issues such as dog fouling and flytipping.

Thursday 3 May 2012


Congratulations! Huge congratulations to all the attendees of the pesticide spraying course held recently in Aberavon; 100% pass rate was achieved! This four day accredited course will give volunteers the qualifications, tools and expertise in order to tackle their own weed problems including Japanese knotweed and Himalayan Balsam. Nino Pulvirenti from Brackla, Bridgend really enjoyed the course and said. “I had a great few days but it was a bit of a new learning curve me! I was pleased to gain a new skill and I will be able to add that to my CV. In the area I live there is a lot of invasive species and this course will allow me to do my bit in getting rid of it. Thanks to Keep Wales Tidy for the course and equipment”. Watch out invasive species the Weed Busters are coming to get you!