About Us

This new project aims to increase community involvement in the management of green and blue spaces (eg parks, community gardens, woods, footpaths, lakes, rivers) across 7 Community First areas in Neath Port Talbot, Bridgend, Swansea and Newport.

KWT project officers will work closely with Communities First staff and local residents from Neath Town Centre, Neath East, Brackla, Bettws, Penlan, Blaenymaes and Pilgwenlly to identify, and undertake, a range of environmental improvement projects over the next year.

Practical projects will include litter-picks, biodiversity improvements, access work aswell as a series of campaigns to raise awareness of local environmental issues such as dog fouling and flytipping.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Invasive Species Spraying Course

Book now for the free Invasive Species Spraying Course April 23rd & 24th in
Aberavon, Port Talbot
Limited spaces and only few left so contact me now to reserve your place kathryn.britton@keepwalestidy.org

Eaglesbush Valley Fly-Tip Removal

Eaglesbush Valley was a hive of activity on Monday when Alan, Dave (Communities First) and I along with 4 volunteers visited the site to remove some fly-tips. The top footpath and banks of the stream had become littered with builder’s rubble, discarded household items and the requisite tyres!

Over half a ton of fly-tip was removed which included:

• Shopping trolley
• Fly-mo
• 2 x Car tyres
• 1 x Tractor tyre
• Various plastic containers containing a variety of foul smelling liquids!
• IT Equipment
• Wheelbarrow
• Sacks of Builders rubble
• 7 x bags of litter

This beautiful nature reserve is now cleaner and tidier, footpaths accessible and hazards removed thanks to your help; so a huge thanks to everyone from the Neath Environmental Action Team who assisted.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Accredited Pesticide Spraying Course

An accredited Pesticide spraying course is being offered to volunteers working within the Outcomes areas. The two day course (plus an extra day for assessment) will take place in Aberavon, Port Talbot and all personal safety equipment will be provided, however attendees will need to supply wellies, a calculator, 1 passport sized photo and packed lunch. In the case of inclement weather wet gear may also be needed as you will be working along the River Afan bank.

Spaces are limited and only 4 remain so if anyone would like to enroll for this course please contact me urgently on kathryn.britton@keepwalestidy.org

Accreditation is from the City & Guilds NPTC and will include water course spraying allowing recipients the ability to spray close to or on watercourses.