About Us

This new project aims to increase community involvement in the management of green and blue spaces (eg parks, community gardens, woods, footpaths, lakes, rivers) across 7 Community First areas in Neath Port Talbot, Bridgend, Swansea and Newport.

KWT project officers will work closely with Communities First staff and local residents from Neath Town Centre, Neath East, Brackla, Bettws, Penlan, Blaenymaes and Pilgwenlly to identify, and undertake, a range of environmental improvement projects over the next year.

Practical projects will include litter-picks, biodiversity improvements, access work aswell as a series of campaigns to raise awareness of local environmental issues such as dog fouling and flytipping.

Friday 27 May 2011

Streetscene Surveying Pictures from Neath

Streetscenes from Neath North and East

Streetscene Surveying

The team have been out and about all this week surveying all seven of the areas and talking to residents. Using the new Streetscene Indicator survey, a new tool hot of the press from our LEAMS team in Cardiff, the team have been scouring and plotting the streets for litter, dog fouling, flytipping and other nasty items such as chewing gum and smoking related litter. These surveys will indicate which campaigns will be run in each area, for example, smoking litter seems to be more of a problem in Bettws, Bridgend whilst dog fouling was more predominant in Blaenymaes, Swansea.
Residents can nominate areas for practical activities, cleanups or graffiti removal by contacting their dedicated project officer listed on this blog.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Aspirations Poster

At the launch event on Monday the seven areas along with their community members designed an aspirations poster. Using pictures words and images from old magazines the posters were compiled to reflect each teams environmental aspirations for the next 12 months. This wish list was then prioritised to reveal five key projects to kick start activities. Please see the pictures below to view each areas hopes and ambitions.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

TUESDAY 21st JUNE 2011

Launch Event

Monday 16th May saw the launch of our KWT/CF Outcomes project. All seven of the nominated areas sent community representatives to Bridgend for a preliminary consultation on how we can improve their environments.

It was a fun filled day with lots of hands on activities; enthusiastic as ever each area designed a poster of 'wish lists' that they would like to tackle over the duration of the project. Exciting ideas emerged such as:

  • Allotments

  • Community Gardens

  • Adopting derelict areas

  • Woodland walks

  • Improving town centres

  • Biodiversity gardens and much much more.....

If you were unable to attend yesterday watch this space for announcements and details of local consultation events in your own area. We need your ideas, your suggestions and your input to identify areas in your wards in need of cleanups, regeneration, planting and enhancements. Please contact me or your local KWT officer to nominate your sites kathryn.britton@keepwalestidy.org

Hi, I'm Kathryn Britton and I am the coordinator for the new KWT/CF Outcomes project which is running across 7 wards in South Wales:

Neath Port Talbot - Neath North & East
Bridgend - Bettws & Brackla
Swansea - Penlan & Blaenymaes
Newport - Pillgwennly

Over the next 12 months four Keep Wales Tidy (KWT) officers will be working alongside Communities First teams to increase community involvement, improve green and blue spaces, and enhance the environment within the designated wards.

If you have any pictures, ideas or suggestions as to how we can improve your immediate environments, your towns, villages, parks, beaches or streets please contact me on kathryn.britton@keepwalestidy.org

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Welcome to the Keep Wales Tidy and Communities First Environmental Project Blog

This blog is a great way to show the improvements made by the project. Here are some examples of the environmental issues this project will aim to address in Pilgwenlly.

If you have any photos of issues you would like to highlight in your area, please email them to Kathryn.britton@keepwalestidy.org

Untitled by Keep Wales Tidy
Untitled, a photo by Keep Wales Tidy on Flickr.

Bus shelter

Untitled by Keep Wales Tidy
Untitled, a photo by Keep Wales Tidy on Flickr.


Untitled by Keep Wales Tidy
Untitled, a photo by Keep Wales Tidy on Flickr.


Untitled by Keep Wales Tidy
Untitled, a photo by Keep Wales Tidy on Flickr.


Untitled by Keep Wales Tidy
Untitled, a photo by Keep Wales Tidy on Flickr.


Untitled by Keep Wales Tidy
Untitled, a photo by Keep Wales Tidy on Flickr.

Half Hour Laundry

Untitled by Keep Wales Tidy
Untitled, a photo by Keep Wales Tidy on Flickr.

Tuesday 10 May 2011